Friday, August 27, 2010

Breaking My Word...

On the first weekend of the school year I am breaking my cardinal rule of no homework on the weekend. I assure you I plan on returning to my initial promise but this assignment had to go out so that we can stay on track with the learning schedule.
I am so EXCITED and THRILLED with the participation of the students in the discussion we had today about symbolism. It can be kind of a challenge to get everyone on the same page, but everyone really seemed to understand it. We used concrete examples such as the fact that when we see a bald, bland little woman in a dress on a sign we know that there is a women's restroom nearby. There's never been confusion that perhaps that is a sign marking the giving away of free girls...but how do we know that? None of us could remember who told us and none of us knew who told our parents so they could tell us. There were so many good thoughts and ideas brought up in class - they all really seem to get it.

Now that we understand symbolism in everyday life, we will begin to funnel it down to literature. Monday we will look at metaphors (think Batman and why he is a Bat)and comparisons and contrasting along with context and inference and how all those work together to help us figure out the symbolism.

Homework: Exercise 2 on the symbolism worksheet. It may be done on a separate piece of paper or on the sheet with the exercise. DON'T FORGET SUPPLIES FROM THE SUPPLY LIST ON MONDAY!

Have a stupendous weekend!

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